Friday, September 7, 2007

Its All In The Wrapping

I was in need of chocolate and as I was thinking about what would soothe my cocoa craving, I thought about some of my favorite chocolate places online and near home and as I visited site by site while munching on my steady standby {m&m's}, I thought I need to talk about Allison Nelson's Chocolate Bar in NYC. If you haven't been to visit them... Go. If you haven't seen their site...visit. Why? Because the wrapping for their chocolates is not only stylish but completely artistic and what better way to combine the two things I love....{paper and chocolate!} Once you see it you'll be in love too.

What better way to represent NYC than with the graffiti bars. Here's what is even better. Each Graffiti style is a exotic and delicious flavor like the Crash bar that is a blend of dark chocolate with rum infused ganache. {Oh yea, and you get some graffiti history}

The next wrapping has a more artistic style and its probably one of my favorite wrapper designs. Its the Stencil Bar Set. Buy in a set...

or buy individually....
Carmel Stencil Bar

Bittersweet Stencil Bar

Maybe you need something a bit more nostalgic, try the Retro Bar Set. It's the Chocolate Bars twist on a retro design but when you see all the flavors you know there is nothing retro about these bars {like salty pretzel}

I love chocolate but I love how the Choclate bar has used its wrapping to not only set it apart but also showcase its style. Besides while you're enjoying your chocolate shouldn't you have something good to look at?


Anonymous said...

I don't like chocolate, but I love the design of these chocolate wrappers. Super funky!

Oh Happy Blog! said...

I am such a firm believer that good marketing and clever packaging can sell anything... I'm not much for chocolate either- but I would gladly put a dent in my cc at this place...