Monday, May 7, 2007

Did You RSVP?

When that glossy invitation comes to your mailbox or email box, what do you do? If you RSVP--Good for you! If you don't--let's talk....

While we may not think sending your RSVP is even necessary the truth is your friend hosting the event wants to know that your coming so that she can get the right amount of food, not run out of drinks or scramble around to create a last minute party favor for you. So why not say "I'll be there" you will be so glad that you did plus, when you host a party you too would like to know how many people are planning to attend.

Some thoughts to erase from your RSVP list:
"They know we're coming"
"I missed the deadline so we'll just show up"
"No one RSVP's anyways"

Ignore these silly phrases and respondez s'il vou plait

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